Results for 'Muland Tshitambal'A. Irung'

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  1. La Description Ndawienne de la Pensée Africaine face au Développement de l'Africain.Irung Tshitambal'A. Mulang - 1988 - In Joseph Major Nyasani (ed.), Philosophical focus on culture and traditional thought systems in development. Nairobi: Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
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    Problématique de la Démocratie En Afrique: Essai Philosophico-Politique.Irung Tshitambal - 2005 - Editions Mbegu.
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    Alphagrid, a Smartgrid Considering People. 한우진 - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 123:187-210.
    알파그리드(alphagrid)는 전력산업의 환경 변화로 인한 불확실성에 선제적으로 대응하는 미래형 스마트그리드를 의미한다. 정보통신기술을 통해 주로 전력계통의 자동화와 효율성을 추구하는 스마트그리드는 스마트 기기와 같은 쌍방향적인 통신기술을 활용하지만 프로슈머인 인간에 대한 깊은 이해를 반영하지 않는다. 알파그리드는 인간적 요소로 인한 불확실성을 진지하게 고려한다는 점에서 진보된 스마트그리드이다. 딥러닝과 빅데이터, 전기차, 신재생에너지, 사물인터넷, 스마트 기기, 블록체인 등 첨단 기술에 힘입어서, 국지적인 소규모 전력망을 의미하는 마이크로그리드가 활성화될 것이며, 절전과 신재생에너지 발전을 통해 비축했던 전기를 거래하는 개인 대 개인(P2P) 전력시장이 등장 할 것이다. 개인은 최선을 다해 자신의 이익을 추구하는 (...)
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  4. The exteriority of ethics in management and its transition into justice: A Levinasian approach to ethics in business.Dag G. Aasland - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (3):220–226.
    Levinas did not present any new ethical theories; he did not even give any normative recommendations. But his phenomenological investigations help us to understand how the idea of ethics emerges and how we try to cope with it. The purpose of this paper is to suggest some implications from a reading of Levinas on how ethical challenges are handled within a management perspective. The paper claims that management, both in theory and in practice, is necessarily egocentric and thus ethically biased. (...)
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    A new structural transformation of the public sphere and deliberative politics.Jacob Abolafia - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-4.
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    Forcing closed unbounded sets.Uri Abraham & Saharon Shelah - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):643-657.
    We discuss the problem of finding forcing posets which introduce closed unbounded subsets to a given stationary set.
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  7. What is neutral about neutrality?Bruce A. Ackerman - 1982 - Ethics 93 (2):372-390.
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    Vigencia de la filosofía de Kant en dos expresiones actuales de la inteligencia filosófica en América Latina: Arturo Andrés Roig y Franz J. Hinkelammert: The Force of Kant's Philosophy in Two Present Expressions of the Philosophical Intelligence in Latin America: Arturo Andrés Roig y Franz J. Hinkelammert.Yamandú Acosta - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 8:55-78.
    Al cumplirse doscientos años de la muerte de Immanuel Kant 2004), considerar la vigencia de su pensamiento filosófico, se constituyó en un imperativo categórico, para quienes nos inscribimos en la tradición de la filosofía occidental. En cumplimiento del mismo, el texto que se presenta se ocupa de la vigencia de la filosofía del filósofo de Königsberg a través de la consideración de dos expresiones de la inteligencia filosófica en América Latina: Arturo Andrés Roig y Franz J. Hinkelammert . Los programas (...)
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    “A contemporary of Moses reborn in our days”: Oskar Goldberg and kabbalistic metaphysics.К. Ю Бурмистров - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (3):20-35.
    The biography and views of Oscar Goldberg (1885–1952), a Jewish-German philosopher, psychologist and religious thinker, have in recent years attracted increasing attention from specialists in the history of philosophy, religious and cultural studies. The interpre­tation of metaphysical problems, the nature of myth and ritual, and the concepts of the sa­cred and profane that he proposed had a significant influence on a number of thinkers and writers of the first half of the twentieth century. The article discusses one of the most (...)
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    Remarks on a theorem of McGee.Ernest W. Adams - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (4):343 - 348.
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    Political discourse analysis: a decolonial approach.Yunana Ahmed - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (1):139-155.
    This paper draws attention to the significance of incorporating decolonial methodologies in analyzing political discourse in a postcolonial world, particularly in Africa. The decolonial approach to political discourse focuses on the ways politics in postcolonial context is imbricated in the logic of coloniality. Decolonial approach is considered necessary rather than sufficient in interrogating the hegemonic structure of colonialism in Africa's political discourse. The paper uses critical discourse analysis situated within decolonial methodologies to analyze former President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan's declaration-of-intent (...)
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  12. Śāntarakṣita: Climbing the Ladder to the Ultimate Truth.Allison Aitken - 2023 - In Sara L. McClintock, William Edelglass & Pierre-Julien Harter (eds.), The Routledge handbook of Indian Buddhist philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 463–379.
    This chapter presents an overview of the life, work, and philosophical contributions of Śāntarakṣita (c. 725–788), who is known for his synthesis of Nāgārjuna’s Madhyamaka with elements of the Dignāga-Dharmakīrti tradition of logic and epistemology. His two most important independent treatises, the Compendium of True Principles (Tattvasaṃgraha) and the Ornament of the Middle Way (Madhyamakālaṃkāra), are characterized by an emphasis on the indispensable role of rational analysis on the Buddhist path as well as serious and systematic engagement with competing Buddhist (...)
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    El carácter justo de los Estados y el desarrollo de las disposiciones naturales humanas según Kant.Martín Arias Albisu - 2023 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 15 (1):243-261.
    Kant considera que las disposiciones específicas de la especie humana sólo pueden desarrollarse plenamente en un Estado con una constitución justa. Tales disposiciones son la técnica, la pragmática y la moral. Mostraremos de qué manera la existencia de un Estado justo fomenta y asegura el desarrollo de esas disposiciones. En Idea para una historia universal en intención cosmopolita (1784), Kant sostiene que una constitución totalmente justa es solamente una idea de la razón práctica a la que debemos aproximarnos asintóticamente. La (...)
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    Kahoot!: gamificación eficaz, sencilla y fácil en la educación superior.Óscar Jesús González Alcántara, Ignacio Fontaneda González & Miguel Ángel Camino López - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-14.
    El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) establece que el aprendizaje debe estar centrado en el estudiante. Partiendo de este enunciado, el artículo explica cómo la gamificación puede ser una técnica pedagógica que propicie el ansiado cambio en la docencia universitaria hacia donde marca el EEES. Este trabajo presenta el diseño de una metodología de gamificación sencilla y fácil de implementar en un Grado de Ingeniería utilizando Kahoot! como herramienta y su evolución a lo largo de tres cursos académicos. Los (...)
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    Richter–Peleg multi-utility representations of preorders.José Carlos R. Alcantud, Gianni Bosi & Magalì Zuanon - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (3):443-450.
    The existence of a Richter–Peleg multi-utility representation of a preorder by means of upper semicontinuous or continuous functions is discussed in connection with the existence of a Richter–Peleg utility representation. We give several applications that include the analysis of countable Richter–Peleg multi-utility representations.
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    Remarques sur la dérivation des transformations de Lorentz par A. N. Whitehead.Jean-Pascal Alcantara - 2008 - Chromatikon 4:9-20.
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    Searching in an unfamiliar environment: a phenomenologically informed experiment.Madeleine Alcock, Jan M. Wiener & Doug Hardman - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    Wayfinding is generally understood as the process of purposefully navigating to distant and non-visible destinations. Within this broad framework, uninformed searching entails finding one’s way to a target destination, in an unfamiliar environment, with no knowledge of its location. Although a variety of search strategies have been previously reported, this research was largely conducted in the laboratory or virtual environments using simplistic and often non-realistic situations, raising questions about its ecological validity. In this study, we explored how extant findings on (...)
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    Singing in the Fire: Stories of Women in Philosophy.Linda Alcoff (ed.) - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This is a unique, groundbreaking collection of autobiographical essays by leading women in philosophy. It provides a glimpse at the experiences of the generation that witnessed, and helped create, the remarkable advances now evident for women in the field.
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    Qumr'n Cave 4: Serekh Ha-YaH·ad and two related texts.Philip S. Alexander & Géza Vermès (eds.) - 1955 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume presents the long-awaited edition of the Cave 4 manuscripts of Serekh Ha-Yahad or The Rule of the Community, in which the Essenes detailed the guidelines for membership in their community. Also known as the Manual of Discipline, a complete scroll was found in Cave 1 at Qumran and this edition illuminates the textual and redactional history of Dead Sea literature. The document is extremely important for understanding the nature, practice, and ideology of the Qumran covenanters.
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    (1 other version)Insistencia y Da-sein. El pensar del Ereignis y la filosofía trascendental.César Gómez Algarra - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34 (2):345-367.
    Este trabajo se propone rastrear e identificar las críticas de Heidegger a la filosofía trascendental, tal y como aparecen en los textos póstumos de los años 1930 y 1940, los llamados tratados del Ereignis, y en los últimos volúmenes publicados de la Obra completa (Gesamtausgabe). Para ello, nos concentraremos mayormente en el tomo 82, publicado en 2018, que contiene toda una serie de notas y relecturas de Heidegger a su propia obra publicada, y que ha recibido menos atención por la (...)
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    Grasping the phenomenology of sporting bodies.John Hockey & Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson - 2018 - In David Howes (ed.), Senses and sensation: critical and primary sources. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Abstract The last two decades have witnessed a vast expansion in research and writing on the sociology of the body and on issues of embodiment. Indeed, both sociology in general and the sociology of sport specifically have well heeded the long-standing and vociferous calls ‘to bring the body back in’ to social theory. It seems particularly curious therefore that the sociology of sport has to-date addressed this primarily at a certain abstract, theoretical level, with relatively few accounts to be found (...)
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    Philosophies of the Sciences: A Guide.Fritz Allhoff (ed.) - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The essays are written by leading scholars in a highly accessible style for the student audience Presents and discusses central debates in the field, making it ...
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    Reflections on whiteness: Racialised identities in nursing.Helen T. Allan - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1).
    In this article, I discuss the structural domination of whiteness as it intersects with the potential of individual critique and reflexivity. I reflect on my positioning as a white nurse researcher while researching international nurse migration. I draw on two large qualitative studies and one small focus group study to discuss my reactions as a white researcher to evidence of institutional racism in the British health services and my growing awareness of how racism is reproduced in the British nursing profession.
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    The sensitive knowledge of dance.Marcia Almeida - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (1-2):45-55.
    In this article I will discuss the dancer’s physical potential and the sensitive knowledge (‘la connaissance sensible’) that emerges from dance practice. For this, I take Lévi-Strauss’ (2010) theory of the ‘savage mind’ as a reference. This theory is important to understand how the discipline of dance does not need to be justified through modern science (Lévi-Strauss 2010). It is understood that dance operates from sensitive knowledge, while modern science is expressed through the intelligible. I will point out how the (...)
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    Ius Constitutionale Commune Latinoamericanum and the challenges of judicialization of politics.Ana Micaela Alterio - 2018 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 20 (1):1-21.
    Este artículo estudia críticamente el concepto de Ius Constitutionale Commune Latinoamericanum como fenómeno de judicialización de la política a nivel regional. Partiendo de la afirmación de que el derecho constitucional es político, se analizan algunos rasgos del ICCAL como la ideología que lo inspira, la teoría en que se apoya el concepto y el arreglo institucional que lo sostiene, para problematizar su carácter "común". Bajo el entendido que cualquier proyecto constitucional está indisolublemente ligado a un diseño institucional que lo lleva (...)
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    Commentary: Differences of Perceived Image Generated through the Web Site: Empirical Evidence Obtained in Spanish Destinations.Andreas Andronikidis, Victoria Bellou, Nikolaos Stylos & Chris A. Vassiliadis - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Moral Idiots and Blameless Brutes in Aristotle’s Ethics.Audrey L. Anton - 2022 - Southwest Philosophy Review 38 (1):245-256.
    Aristotle maintains that vicious people are blameworthy despite their moral ignorance, since becoming vicious was up to them and whatever is up to us we are able to do or not do. However, one’s upbringing shapes one’s moral character. Together, these claims invite an objection I call the horrible childhood challenge. According to this objection, vicious adults who suffered horrible childhoods through which they were taught to adopt bad ends as though they were good should not be held accountable for (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Mental training affects distribution of limited brain resources.Lutz Antoine, H. A. Slagter, L. L. Greischar, A. D. Francis, S. Nieuwenhuis, J. M. Davis & R. J. Davidson - manuscript
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    Assessing Greek Pottery - B. A. Sparkes: The Red and the Black: Studies in Greek Pottery. Pp. xvii + 203, 107 figs. London and New York: Routledge, 1996. £45 . ISBN: 0-415-12660-6. [REVIEW]K. W. Arafat - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):393-394.
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  30. The Roads to Non-individuals.Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo - 2023 - In Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Raoni W. Arroyo (eds.), Non-Reflexive Logics, Non-Individuals, and the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics: Essays in Honour of the Philosophy of Décio Krause. Springer Verlag. pp. 79-100.
    Ever since its beginnings, standard quantum mechanics has been associated with a metaphysical view according to which the theory deals with non-individual objects, i.e., objects deprived of individuality in some sense of the term. We shall examine the grounds of the claim according to which quantum mechanics is so closely connected with a metaphysics of non-individuals. In particular, we discuss the attempts to learn the ‘metaphysical lessons’ required by quantum mechanics coming from four distinct roads: from the formalism of the (...)
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  31. Use of the Labour-Intensive Method in the Repair of a Rural Road Serving an Indigenous Community in Jocotán (Guatemala).Rodrigo Ares, José-María Fuentes, Eutiquio Gallego, Francisco Ayuga & Ana-Isabel García - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):315-338.
    Abstract This paper reports the results obtained in an aid project designed to improve transport in the municipal area of Jocotán (Guatemala). The rural road network of an area occupied by indigenous people was analysed and a road chosen for repair using the labour-intensive method–something never done before in this area. The manpower required for the project was provided by the population that would benefit from the project; the involvement of outside contractors and businesses was avoided. All payment for labour (...)
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    Springs of Western Civilization: A Comparative Study of Hebrew and Classical Cultures.James A. Arieti - 2017 - Lexington Books.
    This book explores how the Hebraic and classical traditions forming our Western heritage combined from about 300 BCE to 300 CE. James Arieti investigates the principal causes of the merger in the common model of God that developed in the Greek philosophical schools, along with its ethical implications, and the shared portrayal in biblical, rabbinic, and postclassical literature of the compassionate warm character that we recognize as a mentsh.
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  33. Joel Feinberg and the justification of hard paternalism.Richard J. Arneson - 2005 - Legal Theory 11 (3):259-284.
    Joel Feinberg was a brilliant philosopher whose work in social and moral philosophy is a legacy of excellent, even stunning achievement. Perhaps his most memorable achievement is his four-volume treatise on The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law, and perhaps the most striking jewel in this crowning achievement is his passionate and deeply insightful treatment of paternalism.1 Feinberg opposes Legal Paternalism, the doctrine that “it is always a good reason in support of a [criminal law] prohibition that it is necessary (...)
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  34. A teoria da história de Jörn Rüsen: uma introdução.Arthur Assis - 2010 - Goiânia, GO, Brasil: Ed. UFG.
    Trata-se de um trabalho de natureza didática cujo propósito é introduzir o leitor à teoria da história de Jörn Rüsen. O texto inicia-se com uma introdução que situa este autor no contexto do desenvolvimento histórico da disciplina “teoria da história. Está dividido em três capítulos, nos quais os cinco componentes da sua “matriz disciplinar da ciência histórica são apresentados e discutidos, a saber (1) as carências de orientação e funções orientativas; (2) perspectivas diretoras da interpretação histórica e métodos de pesquisa (...)
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    Building a Mystery: Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Beyond.Atwood D. Gaines & Peter J. Whitehouse - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):61-74.
    In this paper, we suggest some of the dimensions of the problematic concept of Alzheimer Disease as a natural disease discerned by increasingly sophisticated medical scientific progress. Taking a page from Max Weber concerning unique events, we show some of the conceptual building blocks and social processes that have coalesced into the perception of certain phenomena as abnormalities that are seen as implicated in the development of a degenerative disease distinct from the process of normal, but variable, brain aging. We (...)
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    Aristote à Hambourg.Pierre Aubenque - 1960 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 150:92 - 93.
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  37. Dialectique et action: A propos Des "aventures de la dialectique" de M. merleauponty.Pierre Aubenque - 1956 - Recherches de Philosophie 2:329.
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    Understanding democratic conflicts: The failures of agonistic theory.Vincent August - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):182-203.
    Western democracies experience profound conflicts that induce concerns about polarization and social cohesion. Yet although conflicts are a core feature of democracies, the forms, functions, and dynamics of democratic conflicts have rarely been subject of political theory. This paper aims at furthering our understanding of democratic conflicts. It analyzes the theory of conflict in Mouffe's agonistic pluralism, confronts it with sociological conflict theory, and presents concrete points of departure for a more comprehensive theory of democratic conflicts. The paper, thus, contributes (...)
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  39. Knowledge of the External World.Bruce Aune - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Many philosophers believe that the traditional problem of our knowledge of the external world was dissolved by Wittgestein and others. They argue that it was not really a problem - just a linguistic `confusion' that did not actually require a solution. Bruce Aune argues that they are wrong. He casts doubt on the generally accepted reasons for putting the problem aside and proposes an entirely new approach. By considering the history of the problem from Descartes to Kant, Aune shows that (...)
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    Evdoxios Doxiadis, The Shackles of Modernity: women, property, and the transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Greek State (1750-1850). [REVIEW]Efi Avdela - 2018 - Clio 48:263-266.
    Le livre de Evdoxios Doxiadis, aujourd’hui professeur assistant au Département des études helléniques à l’Université Simon Fraser, étudie les transformations survenues dans les rapports des femmes à la propriété au cours de la période qui s’étend des sociétés gréco-ottomanes traditionnelles prérévolutionnaires, gérées suivant les coutumes, à la société grecque régie par la législation de l’État moderne, après une décennie de Guerre d’indépendance. Il démontre que la « modernité » – identifiée...
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    Liber primus Naturalium: tractatus tertius, De his quae habent naturalia ex hoc quod habent quantitatem.J. Janssens - 2017 - [Bruxelles]: Académie royale de belgique. Edited by J. Janssens.
    Ce volume offre l'édition critique de la traduction latine médiévale (partielle) de la troisième partie de la Physique du Shif?' d'Avicenne. Pour l'édition de la peine première partie traduite à Tolède, qui couvre le prologue et le début du premier chapitre, les mêmes principes ont été maintenus que pour l'édition du second traité. Quant à l'édition de la majeure partie, qui fut traduite à Burgos quasiment un siècle après la tolédane et qui n'a été conservée que dans un seul témoin, (...)
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  42. British Empirical Philosophers : Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Reid and J. S. Mill. [An Anthology].A. J. Ayer & Raymond Winch (eds.) - 1952 - London,: Routledge.
    First published in 1952, British Empirical Philosophers is a comprehensive picture of one of the most important movements in the history of philosophic thought. In his introduction, Professor A. J. Ayer distinguishes the main problems of empiricism and gives a critical account of the ways in which the philosophers whose writings are included in this volume attempted to solve them. Editors Ayer and Raymond Winch bring together an authoritative abridgement of John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding ; Bishop George Berkeley’s (...)
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    A Concise History of Classical Sanskrit Literature.E. B. & Gaurinath Sastri - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (4):460.
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    Transcultural Utopian Imagination and the Future: Tagore, Gandhi, Andrews, and India–Britain Entanglements in the Early 1930s.Barnita Bagchi - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (2):206-222.
    ABSTRACT This article focuses on the transcultural utopian imaginings of futures in early twentieth-century India and Britain, with Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, anticolonial politician M. K. Gandhi, and British Christian activist C. F. Andrews at the center. Homing in on two trips made to England by Tagore and Gandhi, especially their visits to Woodbrooke Quaker College in Birmingham, and on Gandhi’s visit to Lancashire, the article shows how British Christian and Quaker utopians and Indian utopians cooperated with each other. The (...)
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  45. Belief–logic conflict resolution in syllogistic reasoning: Inspection-time evidence for a parallel-process model.Linden J. Ball & Edward J. N. Stupple - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (2):168-181.
    An experiment is reported examining dual-process models of belief bias in syllogistic reasoning using a problem complexity manipulation and an inspection-time method to monitor processing latencies for premises and conclusions. Endorsement rates indicated increased belief bias on complex problems, a finding that runs counter to the “belief-first” selective scrutiny model, but which is consistent with other theories, including “reasoning-first” and “parallel-process” models. Inspection-time data revealed a number of effects that, again, arbitrated against the selective scrutiny model. The most striking inspection-time (...)
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    I-ABM: combining institutional frameworks and agent-based modelling for the design of enforcement policies.Tina Balke, Marina De Vos & Julian Padget - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 21 (4):371-398.
    Computer science advocates institutional frameworks as an effective tool for modelling policies and reasoning about their interplay. In practice, the rules or policies, of which the institutional framework consists, are often specified using a formal language, which allows for the full verification and validation of the framework (e.g. the consistency of policies) and the interplay between the policies and actors (e.g. violations). However, when modelling large-scale realistic systems, with numerous decision-making entities, scalability and complexity issues arise making it possible only (...)
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    La heteronimia: una ontología poética sin metafísica.Judith Balso & T. Carlos Vásquez - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 45:149-166.
    Judith Balso desarrolla en este artículo una visión orgánica de la heteronimia de Fernando Pessoa. En ella aspira a mostrar cómo la poesía afronta con sus propios recursos los desafíos y preguntas propios de la ontología. De ese modo Pessoa se coloca más allá de la tradicional separación entre filosofía y poesía propia de la metafísica occidental. Leer a Pessoa significa encarnar en la escritura las preguntas esenciales de lo humano: la cuestión de la existencia, la pregunta por el ser (...)
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    The Value Doctrine of Karl Marx.Albert G. A. Balz - 1943 - King's Crown Press.
    Attempts a philosophical and critical investigation of Marx's analysis of value to suggest an ontological basis for a general theory of value.
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    As Novas Ameaças no Contexto da Nova Ordem Mundial.Sheila Baptista - 2022 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 24 (2):36-53.
    O pós-guerra fria propiciou a instauração da Nova Ordem Mundial onde o mundo passa a ser multipolar, verificando-se o surgimento de novas ameaças devido ao enfraquecimento das instituições, promovido pelas crescentes desigualdades sociais, dependência dos Países periféricos em relação aos centrais aliada a revolução tecnológica e globalização. Este artigo tem como objectivo abordar o surgimento e causas de novas ameaças e possíveis soluções. O estudo foi baseado nas teorias neorrealista, construtivista e teoria da Escola de Copenhague; e usado os métodos (...)
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    Cris de Coeur and the Moral Imperative to Listen to and Learn from Intersex People.Arlene Baratz & Katrina Karkazis - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (2):127-132.
    Intersex people first began to publicly tell their stories in the 1990s. Twenty years on, these narratives, scorching in their candor, attest to a continuing failure to bear witness to or to acknowledge some of the most painful experiences we inflict on one another. More than anecdotes, these narratives provide a first–person reflection on care and thus represent a type of long–term follow–up that is largely absent in clinical literature. Out of respect for their courage, we owe these narratives serious (...)
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